
The 10 Rules of Ghostball!

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"Are you sure this guy is cut to be a coach?" The owner of Wrecking Hurricanes looked at the profile in front of him. The elderly Nakajima Ueda was a quiet and calm man, that now sought a new coach for the team after the previous one quited. "I mean, the team is quite special."
It was truly, with many young and hot-blooded players, as well older vets that have their own views and not easy accept new rules.
"I think he will do well, he have been talent-scout for us the latest eight years, and know our players. He who found Arda Ea and Lufia Lie." The manager Takehime was a wellrounded woman with a happy smile. "I think he will do well."
"I see, I will give this Butoukai Cole a contract for one season to starters, and see what he can do."
Same season did Wrecking Hurricanes win the cup, and under the five years with the new coach have they won the cup 2 times and one second place.
The team was surely growing for each season, and to this success is the Ten Rules of Ghostball that Cole wrote years ago.

Rule #1 - Always keep your Attackers fierce and ready.

Ea struggled as she pulled her chin over the iron bar, holding up her entire body-weigh. Her physical strength in her arms wasn't that great, she knew that and she trained to improve on those aspect she was lacking.
Normally was she rather shy and introvert young woman, that didn't make much fuzz. Well, more unsocial then shy, even if that is how many depict her as. Ea simply prefer to not say anything and pull away from contacts. Which can seem odd when playing a team-sport, but somehow she had manage to grow into the team, the players that became her friends.
But that was different when working with the asshole-devil himself.
"You need to be angry, you need to be mean ~!" A sudden smack against her butt from his cane made her instantly heat up in pure anger as she pulled her chin up again; it was like the iron bar was to melt in her grip. "Going to sue your ass off!"
"Hey, I'm not the one with the gorgeous ass here." Cole grinned as Ea continued the training, while he made sure to fuel her rage and anger; it turned Ea from the shy and careful girl into a demon on the field.

At the beginning of her carrier had she been weak and fell quickly under the pressure from the audience, from the team. But under Cole guidance and rather orthodox training, had Ea grown and was able to handle it better. Even if Ea struggled not to shove up the cane up his ass, but knowing him would the asshole probably like it!

Rule #2 - Make sure your Players is ready for the unpredictable.

It had been one long day. Jezebell just had an urge to kill someone and people avoided her now. She could take a joke, she loved it; but the entire day had been far more then one joke. It had started just before she came to the training, where she had uttered that it's impossible to surprise her.
From that moment had she suddenly been struck by a waterballon with ice-cold water that made her shriek and jump. And when she was to drink from her bottle, was it not water, but cold coffee, making her spit in the face of Sonja. Then there was the hole that appeared on her uniform, making it nearly fall off.
Oh, yea, she got shot by a soft-air gun on the butt too.
Things like that just pissed her off by now, and she became incredible carefully, trying to be ready for anything.

"So, how was a day with unpredictable things?" Cole grinned as he slowly walked up behind her and she turned around quickly, like ready to kung-fu kick him in the face. "Damn you scared me." Jezebelle sighed as he laughed. "Sorry, but good to see you on your toes! You need that on the field, because the most unexpected things will happen now and then. And when it happens, you must be ready."
"I see, so this was your idea?"
"Yup ~"
They laughed and then she lifted him up and threw him into the pool while still laughing.

Rule #3 - Learn your players the difference with a good tackle and a bad tackle.

"What kind of tackles is there?" Cole leaned against the cane and looked at the tall dark female Neziah. A rather intimidating woman if judging by her looks, but as soon she spoke, was it a kindhearted and mild woman. Although it didn't change the fact that she was the heaviest hitter in the team, and she had become the top Hitter in the Division many times. On the field was she like a wild beast, wrecking havoc.
"There is many types." She said and smiled. "There is the Grudge-slam, the Sky-rocket, th--"
"There is only two." Cole held up two fingers and stopped her from speaking and she blinked surprised. "There is good tackles, that is effective and stop the opponent, as well put fear in them. And then it's bad tackles, that break rules and menacingly hurt others." It was easy to spot a slight grudge in his eyes when speaking of it, as Cole got his knee crushed by one of those bad tackles. But he didn't let it affect his job now though.
"You focus to much on the special types of tackles, focus more on what limits you can push, and the efficiency of physical contact." Cole said and raised his cane and poked her in the forehead, making her flinch. "Ouch, what was that for!?"
"It's a foul, I struck your head." He grinned and suddenly poked at her chest. "And this is a good tackle ~"

Luckily for Neziah, can't Cole run very fast and became the practice doll for the team in how not to tackle.

Rule #4 - Teach your Attackers good grip and how to hold balls.

"Oi, Luca! Catch!" Luca turned around, surprised as she instinctively caught the ball in her hands that Cole threw. The captain of the team was truly a star player, a huge talent and asset to the team. Yet, even then had she her weakness that Cole now put to the test. "What?"
Suddenly he smacked the ball and it flew out of her hands. "Your grip is to lose, you make it to easy for your opponents to take it from you." He said and caught the ball with one hand. Luca gritted a bit with her teeth's. "Was not like I was prepared for it."
"Then you aren't prepared while playing either, I have seen you lose the ball a couple of times." He was right and it annoyed her, she didn't like to get told by anyone how to play. But she swallowed her pride, that she could do as long it was to improve her play.
"The one controlling the ball, controls the field. If your grip is lose, then you are going to lose the control." Cole threw back the ball to Luca. "There is not only strength to hold it, but also different grups and techniques."
"I know sir." Luca sounded more as a soldier, then again she had discipline and was a former military, so no wonder. "Good. And if you want, you can practice with my balls ~ Mohaha---- AHHHHHH!"

Cole was limping more there after and talked in a very high-pitched voice for some reason. 

Rule #5 - If they have legs, they can jump. The higher the better.

One of the main attributes in Wrecking Hurricanes and what made them famous was their players jumping-ability and Air Force capability. It was something they trained rigorously, their strength that was born in their powerful legs. 
Cole had created unique training program for them, involving running with weights, jumping over dangerous cliffs and what not, somethings was just insane. Like now when Layla stood on the highest trampoline in the pool. It was part of their 'Air-movement' training, where they trained on torquing their bodies and utilize all energy they could. Giving the jump did they get more time in the air. But now Layla struggled with both fear and ability to move in the air because of it.
"Fear is good. As long it doesn't control you." Cole said as he stood behind her, leaning on the cane. He didn't seem to have problem to be so high up. "T-this is ridiculous! I can jump just good in the sand!" Layla exclaimed while he chuckled. "But you aren't on the sand now. And this is about moving in air."
She bit her lip, all others had made it, and even if she did it, did she end up being stiff like a board. But she needed to learn to handle the fear, she had been in matches where fear could strike, where pressure could crush even the strongest mind.
A deep breath and she pre--- Suddenly she felt a push in her back and with a cry she fell down into the water.
"Oi, can't take entire day!" He shouted while she sputtered further down. "You don't get time to pre---"
Lufia and Ea stood behind him and in unison kicked him; he fell with grace.

And landed on his belly, to slowly sunk down to the depth of the pool.

Rule #6 - Make sure your Defenders can block the unseen.

"You have only one eye, hence your depth vision is sucky and lose completely sight on the left." Cole said and leaned against the cane while Sonja rolled her only eye. "No shit Sherlock? Thank for stating the obvious."
"You are welcome, glad to be of service ~" He chuckled and spun the cane between his fingers. "Although the problem still stand, and that isn't just for you Sonja, but others as well. Many times, as a Defender and Goaltender, will your vision be blurred and covered by opponents. You must learn to see all hints where they will strike. You have only one eye so that makes it even harder. You must learn to read and feel the surrounding."
Suddenly a ball was sent by a launcher from her blind side, right into her head. She flinched and wobbled a bit, but next time she avoided it. It was about having rhythm and control it, those that did would often lead the match. As a Defender do you have the important job to intercept opponent attackers, either by physical means or by vision.
It was all fine and dandy, till one hit her butt with a bang, making her shriek. "Never forget your butt-side!" He shouted with a grin; until she grabbed him and used him as a shield.

For a few days was he blinded as his eyes were swollen from being hit by the ball-launcher. But he could feeeeel around him!

Rule #7 - Teach your Team to read the field. 

Mioshi was the old fox in the team, a vet since twenty years back and had been in the highest division for nearly all that time. Her experience was enormous and it was a backbone for the team. Even her own daughter was playing in the team, and known for her talented reading, was she helping Cole out to teach the team about reading the field.
"Reading an opponent is hard, reading an entire team of opponents as well your own team mates, are 1000 harder." She said while Cole hummed and nodded as the rest of the team sat down in front of the board. "It needs great intuition, sight and intellect to fully understand and use reading like that. Experience of course also add to it."
Suddenly Cole threw a piece of chalk in Layla's head. "Reeeeead!" He chuckled as Mioshi continued to talk, to just get interrupt now and then by Cole throwing chalks at the players, until they at least learned to avoid them.
"Good! Now you start to learn---"

They found the coach, struck down by a huge amount of chalk, hours later with angry words "READ THIS" on his forehead.

Rule #8 - Always keep your Players on the toes on quick decisions. 

There was an accident in the Moon Artillery a couple of years ago, where a few members died. Among those that survived was the now badly scarred Jo Morelli, that lost her arm. However, it didn't stop her from playing as Cole made sure that she joined the team, but as Ghost instead of an Defender. A duty she wasn't fully common with, but she was a quick learner.
"You know what makes a good Ghost stick out from the bad?" Cole looked at Jo that stretched a bit, moving a blond bang from her sweaty forehead. "Accuracy and reading." She replied, two things that was great for all positions, but very important for a Ghost as they had such unique and important role. 
"Correct. But also to decide on action quickly. Sometimes you got just the smallest frame to act on, if to strike left or right player. Who to support and what action to take." He said and held up three balls. "I'm going to throw three balls up in the air. Two have a sad face and one a smiling face. You are going to grab the smiling one."
It sounded easy enough, but when they was in the air and flew at different directions, did it became harder; must decide quickly, and move accordingly to it, never hesitate.
Soon she grabbed one with a victories smile, but it exploded with itching powder. "S-shit!" She exclaimed and started to scratch all over her while he laughed. "A bad decision is bad ~" 

Somehow the doctor was surprised how the coach had been able to shove a bag of itching powder down his throat. The ass would be a painful itch weeks to come!

Rule #9 -  Discipline is discipline: in mind, play and uniform.

"Lufia." The coach of the Wrecking Hurricanes looked serious at the Norwegian female that stopped in her track as she had been running. Part of the Air Force line, was Lufia renown for her bad temper and rough play. Something that could cause her and her team some bad situations. "Yes? Coach?" She snorted and rested her hands on the broad hips; probably the more famous things around her, even if she hated the skimpy outfit and such. Then again, she hated most things just because.
"Why are you pissed off now?"
"Why do you care?" She grimaced as he chuckled. "Ain't it obvious? You are a talented player Lufia, especially in the air are you top notch and bring power while Ea bring speed and Luca control. But you lack discipline."
"And what are you going to do about that?" Not like anything he would say would change things. An impossible duty, she wouldn't change, not quickly at least. Cole looked thoughtful, obviously just playing with her and pushing her patient, the little that exists. "How about, for every time you break the discipline, will you get an hour to work at the Hurricane Kindergarten." He held up a hand before she could crack out how stupid that was. "And for each time you go through a game without breaking the discipline, will I burn a picture."
"What picture?"
Cole grinned as he picked up a photo and showed her; Lufia sitting and caring for small animals, making her freeze. "Y-you can't show that!" She took it and ripped it to pieces. "I got a couple of hundred mores, and you know the rules ~"

For some reason did Ea found Cole with his face crushed into the scanner, like it was some bad joke.

Rule #10 - You're not alone: You are a team.

"Everyone have their individual strength, all of it is important." Cole said, the broke down coach that had been through more trauma then anyone, as he sat in a wheel-chair, coughing badly. "A single player can turn a match. But an entire team can turn a season. You are not alone, you have each other. Mothers and daughters, sisters in arms. You will learn your own strength as much as the others; that is what a team strong. If you are a lone-wolf, and not part of the team, will it crack and fall."
They looked at him, nodding and looked at each other. He was the weirdest coach they ever seen, crazy to the boarder to lunatic, yet his words always reached them, his teaching wasn't only for Ghostball, but for life itself. 
"Like the famous quote; "All for one, one for all." Ea said quietly and walked toward Cole. "And you..." She took her cane. "Need to rest. And be cane free for a while."
"Nooooooo---" He flailed like a child as Ea walked away with the cane, spinning it with one hand as he use to do. They had training to do after all, they had a tough opponent a head of them.

Moon Artillery vs Wrecking Hurricanes, the two titans of the Division clashing. 
Thanks a lot to :icondzouri: for the help with creating this. : >

Just a little thing based form this pic;
PPCM107 by Peachtrades

So here is Butoukai Cole's 10 rules of Ghostball! xD

In GB is Cole a former player, whose career ended early after a severe damage to his knee, that force him to use a cane today. Instead he later became coach and shaped up the Wrecking Hurricanes, a rather orthodox trainer that handle things differently then others (with lot of damage upon himself xD). 

The Team
Wrecking Hurricanes faces by dzouri
Goaltender - Nekozawa Mioshi. 3# - :iconkazekuu:
Attacker - Lufia Lie. 55# - :iconlanokir:
Switcher - Neziah. 84# - :iconalbinoeisbaer:
Ghost - Jo Morelli, Vice-Captain 10# - :iconsnakes-on-a-plane:
Switcher - Ventura. 1# - :iconalbinoeisbaer:
Coach - Butoukai Cole - :iconlanokir:
Switcher - Nekozawa Jezebelle. 32# - :icondzouri: 
Defender - Sonja 'Samuke' Stål. 43# - :iconlanokir:
Defender -Layla Azogue. 18# - :iconcrimson-agony:
Attacker - Arda Ea. 23# - :icondzouri:
Attacker - Luca, Captain 20# - :iconalbinoeisbaer:

Ghostball (C) :iconlanokir::iconmyanghime:
© 2014 - 2024 LanokirX
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MyangHime's avatar
Haha omg Cole...x'D
Big Dad is so Smart, the wrecking hurricanes got one wondrous Coach there ♥ >3<