
DEG - CH2 2/2 Dormitory Tigereye

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Literature Text

  Nino had expected that the office would be something of a luxury, with posh leather sofas, silk carpets and desks in expensive wood. As offices tend to look like in old movies. But the reality was different. The room's walls were gray and bare, except for some small boards with photos of people, an archive computer in the corner and a simple table made ​​of steel and plastic. Behind the screen and desktop, with windows behind the back sat a woman, who with her hands folded on the desk looked at them with her one blue eye. The other was hidden behind an eye patch, with the school logo on, while gray hair framed the serious face. A color that appeared to be natural, as the woman seemed to be not older then her 40's with only vague small wrinkles around the corners of the mouth and eye.
  "I am the principal Elizabeth Von Lazarus III." she introduced herself with a quiet but fierce voice, a woman who gave the order and demanded discipline. "Sit down."
Elizabeth nodded towards the two simple chairs in front of the desk, and slowly the two youngsters sat down. For a moment they looked at each other before the headmaster raised a brow.
  "Present your names." she said shortly. Berry could feel the irritation from the woman over the missed courtesy and he swallowed. "Ah, sorry! My name is Berry King." he said quickly and Nino took over with nervous voice. "Nino Garnett . "
  The one-eyed woman looked at them, nodded slightly as she judged it as better. Her gaze went between them both, before it got stuck on Nino that twitched slightly. "You are admitted to Luminance Garden, Nino Garnett." she said, words that got Nino to blink in shock and Berry gaping.
It took a few seconds before Nino had gathered and actually managed to churn out a few words from a dry mouth. "What do you mean?"
  "You are now a student in this school."
  "But... I have not admitted here!" She stood up, her heart was beating hard and her hands were shaking.
  "No, but under the circumstances that is, have you now been transferred from Blue Spring High to Luminance Garden. For your own good." Elizabeth said calmly while Nino became more visibly upset, something Berry could feel even easier. Before he could say anything, had the redhead slammed her fist into the desk. "No! I refuse to go to this school, I'm not a monster like them!"
Berry flinched, surprised by Nino's sharp voice and words that did hurt him deeply, but as always did he kept quiet and locked the pain away.
 "Monsters?" Elizabeth's raised his one eyebrow with a dangerous deep voice. "And why do you call them monsters?"
 "Because they ... they're not normal! ... They can kill people so easily! They are inhuman!" Nino answered, but felt much smaller and quickly lost heat in her voice when Elizabeth broke her outburst with a glance. "These are youngsters, are they so different from other humans, when you say so?" she asked suddenly and Nino winced. "Think back over the history of mankind, and you probably realize that there are monsters there to. Think back on what you yourself have experienced."
 "B-but --- "
 "No one is born a monster, only their action makes them into a monster or a hero." Elizabeth said and stood up slowly. With her ​​hands clasped behind her back, did she went over to the big window and looked out at the schoolyard. "They are children and young people just like you. They have dreams, goals, hope. They bleed, they cry , they laugh, just like you. Are you so different?"
Nino tried to say something, but could not get the words from her lips. Her hands shook as she stared down at her knees . "I ... do not want to be here ..." she said pitifully, her voice trembled, and all the power and heat from earlier was gone.
  A vague sigh was heard from the principal, who looked out on the playground and saw the dark-skinned young man from before calmly walked across the schoolyard while students avoided him. "You will be here for a good time. You will be accommodated in one of the dormitories , and you will go in this school."
There was no way to argue against that voice; headmaster had decided and it was only for Nino to obey.
"You are dismissed."

  Nino walked slowly with shuffling gait, somewhat listlessly while Berry timidly peered up at her face under the red bangs. "Do you think ... that I'm a monster?" he asked finally, with a sullen voice. It had been gnawing in him something horribly since the meeting with the principal.
The red-haired girl blinked and looked slowly towards him. "Huh? Nah, no. I don't, you're are to insipid to be a monster." she said, waving her hand while he muttered. "Well, thanks I guess..."
In any case, she seemed to not be afraid of him, which was a great relief.
The silence was palpable as she disappeared into her anxious thoughts while Berry thought frantically for something to try to talk about, to lighten it up a bit. But he was lousy at it, he was better at listening than talking on his own.
  Then there was of course the thing with girls, he was even worse at it; and it just made him more nervous!
With a thud had he suddenly collided with a figure. Anxious and nervous, had he failed to actually pay attention to the reality around them and an embarrassment he bowed his head. "Excuse me --" Berry froze and fell silent when he saw it was a much bigger and powerful man, and instincts told him to shrink and vanish if possible. However, Nino recognized the powerful man that didn't bothered to look at Berry, but on Nino. The redhead glared backed, saw into the amber colored eyes.
  "What do you want? " Nino asked while Berry flickered his eyes. But the powerful man said nothing, and walked past them and got Nino to snort irritably. "I do not like him!"
  "B-but he said nothing?"
  "Just because, just makes me so... cross!"
For all the anxiety and fear had begun manifest in a rage, Berry could feel it; her lifeline from breaking down, getting angry instead of scared. He had felt it so many times before, how people cowed their fears with other emotions.
Some let the anger take over, others laughed.
  "Excuse me, Nino Garnett."

  A polite voice, which sounded ... a little synthetic, maybe a little too formal. When they turned around they saw a female figure shimmered in transparent colors of silver and mild blue colors. She was only thirty centimeters long and hovered above a small advanced disc that itself was hovering above the ground. A sweet little holographic personality, a sophisticated computer program. Although it was the first time Nino saw one for real, she had heard of them before; they were found in most of the major companies and institutes this days.
  "Yes?" said Nino slightly defensively while holograph bowed to her. "Hello, I'm Luminance Garden Advanced Administration System, in short also called LUMI." It introduced itself politely while its eyes seemed to shift in different hexagon genomic symbols when it saw between the two students.
 "And what do you want, LUMI?" Okay, Nino admitted she was a little surly now, but she was just anxious and nervous. It was just too much new and supernatural things around her that she had been thrown into. "I'll introduce you to your dormitory and part of the rules and areas in Luminance Garden."
  "Thank you..." Yes, EXACTLY what she needed to know more about this place. But better that than to go without the slightest knowledge anyway, and felt somewhat relieved when Berry lightly tugged her shirt, a reminder that he was with her.
  "Excuse me, loading data --- --- " Suddenly LUMI, went from being the little floating holograph to be in full-scale size, the shades were changed to more human and she stood like a young woman with the school uniform on. "Data loaded; tour begins." A sign with the words Tour appeared in blue shimmering light above LUMIi's.
  "I did not know you could do that." Nino looked curiously at LUMI while Berry nodded and spoke. "They can, at least the more advanced systems and AI 's. They often have a customized body that they can change the appearance on if needed. But the most common is that they have a specific design."
  "Absolutely correct, Mr. King." replied LUMI and bowed. "Depending on the purpose and will of the owner, an advanced system like mine can change my physical image." As a show, she flickered and was suddenly an exact copy of Nino, which got the other to flinch. "Also, I can even change specific points."
When Lumi suddenly became both longer and clearly more busty than the original, Nino blushed and stared hard at the Berry who winced and looked away in embarrassment. "Yes, yes, enough with that!" said Nino while LUMI reverted to her original image, with an playful smile. "Apologies, let us go."

  The advantage to go with the LUMI was that they did not have to visit the entire school district. Because as they walked, did the computer present the school through various 3D maps that appeared in front of them, marked and showed pictures of the premises they asked about. Even if Nino was wary to do so, was Berry more eager to ask.
Quickly did Nino realize how big the school really was, what she believed was the whole school was just a small part of it, and she could not help but be amazed by the whole thing. They had a smaller hospital where Nino had already been, with lots of doctors and nurses. There were indoor swimming pool and large training fields and facilities with some of the most advanced complexes in the world. Several restaurants and food outlets and shops that were pulped in some areas, especially among the dormitories. Making it to be like a little town. Then there was the school complex itself , which was huge and kept all its students.
As they approached the area where the school homes were located , began LUMI tell even about them.
  "There are six dormitories, all those is split for boys and girls. Each dormitory is represented by selected students, and each dormitory stands for something important." said LUMI while she held up one hand and first appeared a logo up followed by five others with little text to it.

¤ A howling wolf in a heart, gray and white.
- "Wolfheart, they represent loyalty to the group: that you are strongest in a pack. Together we stand tall."
¤ An owl in a eye, purple and white.
- "Owlbeak is standing for wisdom and skill; that the mind is the strongest. Mind above brawn."
¤ A roaring lion, green and white.
- "Lionfang represents leadership and pride; some need to lead us all. Be the leader we need."
¤ A fox-tail which hides the face, red and black.
- "Foxtail, they stand may cunning and malice; some time you need to do bad to do good. Deception is a weapon."
¤ A bear-paw tearing up, yellow and black.
- "Bearclaw represents strength and independence; in the end it's only your strength. The last to fall is your own power."
¤ A tiger-eye gazing, orange and black.
- "Tigereye stands for courage and impatience; because sometimes you need to act now not later. Feel fear and conquer it."

  LUMI fell silent and looked at them both, Berry knew about this but it was something totally unexpected for Nino. "How does that affect what I end up?" she asked quietly while the AI smiled. "Often do we seek out a lot of similar qualities to the right dormitories, but you many times get to choose. Certain exceptions exist, such as a dormitory may have too many students or problems arise and a student needs to be placed in a different dormitory."
  Nino frowned gently on the forehead and looked toward Berry. "So... you've already a dormitory?"
  "Yes, I'm in Owlbeak" he said, and she could hear the pride in his voice, as if he had achieved a great goal. What she knew, did he have big dreams and hopes for this place. But she hoped that everything was just a dream that she soon could wake up from. The red and white eyes turned toward LUMI who stood calmly in the air, flickering easily as the holographic construction she was.
  "And I can choose?" she asked, and hoped to get choose Owlbeak. Although it sounded like a place many geniuses lived, did she at least know Berry there. LUMI 's eyes shifted slightly in shades while the processed data; "Your dormitory is assigned by the principle Lazarus. Your dormitory will be Tigereye."
  Immediately her heart dropped, not only was she afraid of the place, but being extradited entirely to strangers made her poor heart almost to seizure at this point.
The tour ended at a large gate with an arcing fence over it and the tigereye logo on it. "This is Tigereye 's dormitory." presented LUMI while Nino stared at the two large buildings, which were divided for boys and girls. She could see many students walk around. A quick gaze and it looked like any kind of school, and that was what she tried to think it as; just another school.
  "Um, I guess I'll move on then?" Berry looked carefully towards Nino, but felt her emotions surged up in concern. "Or, well, I can stay a little longer."
She looked at him and nodded gratefully and her emotions calmed down a little while LUMI slipped into the area, followed by the duo .

  As they approached the girl's dormitory did Berry feel it increasingly... that he was on dangerous ground, and got more and more suspicious glances at him. Now he saw other guys walking around on the field, but still, he felt like a target for their looks. As when that lonely guy standing in a shop selling lingerie for women. It of course got worse as they got closer to the dormitory. 
Nino was nervous, but not of the same kind as Berry. The building seemed huge and she knew no one there. Still, she had violently been thrown into this without any kind of lifeline. Everything had changed so radically, it made her just afraid. Just why?
  "You'll have to wait at the entrance, Mr. King." LUMI said with a gentle smile and Berry nodded nervously, glad that he did not need to go inside. "I-I understand." It was, after all, a dormitory for girls, and only under special circumstances had boys staying inside the dormitory .
  Quickly Nino's looked at Berry before she slowly followed LUMI up the stairs and into the main hallway.
Meanwhile did Berry, who mumbled embarrassed when girls stared at him, and his attempt to not be seen at all, went no further. But it was to help and support Nino, she fought hard to be able to understand them and accept the school, then he had to struggle a bit with. And how dangerous could it be. Even if his attempt to just say hello ended with him croaking like a nervous frog and wanted to turn invisible.
  Inside the main hall was a reception, was the dormitory headmistress sitting behind a desk. A plump woman with dark skin and shoulder-length black hair. The gray eyes were mild and in a stark contrast to the razor sharp headmaster had, like two different shades of gray. "Can I help you with something Hun?" she asked, looking up from the computer and smiled gently. Chubby hands was put together and yet did the keyboard still tap it's tangents, which made Nino flashing and owl little surprised.
  "This is Nino Garnet , student number #8231119." presented LUMI while Nino than staring at the keyboard and the chubby woman, whose gaze went to the screen for a moment and then back at Nino. "I understand, you were relocated here today. It's a bit unusual to relocate students here the day after the opening of a semester." woman answered and chuckled lightly as on reflection. "Oh, yeah , forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mel Caither and is substitute headmistress in Tigereye dormitory and teacher in the subjects Psychokinesis."
  "Y-you are... not normal?" Nino muttered forward, and was suddenly afraid of what the woman could do if she was angry. But to her surprise, did Mel laughed heartily and ran her hand through her black hair. "I weigh a bit more than the norm, but not so bad?" she said with amusement while Nino muttered in embarrassment. "Not what I meant..."
  "No? But anyway, this is your room... No. 133. You will meet your roommate there." she said and took out a small tray from one of the many drawers in the desk. The card did not look like much, broad as her thumb and almost as slim, with a chip in the yellow and black plastic, with the number 133 on and Tigereye 's mark on the back .
  "Leanette hun, you can you be kind and help Nino to her room?" Miranda said to one of the students who passed by, a skinny and tall girl with freckled face and copper red hair in a ponytail. "Huh? Uh , right? "
 "Thank dear, her room is 133."
  Nino wasn't gread in reading facial expressions or so, but even she could see how the girl paled slightly and became more hesitant before she managed to squeeze out an okay.

  Leanette, as she was called, did not say much, but pulled away with long strides that got Nino to hesitate. " Uh, bye LUMI. Thanks." she said and motioned towards the holographic woman who smiled curtsied back. Get said goodbye to her was unusually, she was a computer after all. But that did not mean she did not appreciate that people said so anyway.
  They said nothing to each other, but Nino struggled most to keep pace with Leanette and look around. Rows of metallic doors and code locks, with girls dressed for both school and free-time running between rooms. It sounded kind of nice, girls being girls.
  Suddenly she went into the longer the girl's back and winced. "Here is 133. Good luck. " Leanette said rushed, and quickly walked away with concerned expression. Nino shook her head and looked at the door and hesitated herself. The gray door of steel, with black numbers on, was different from the other doors; it was in a real bad condition. Vague dents appeared in the cracks and chips that come off. Profanities was written with pencils and colors on door. Even the card reader on the wall had been damaged and she could not read the name that stood on it.
  "T-this can not be right..." It reminded her of home in the bad neighborhoods, the poor and dangerous streets . While everything else around it was nice, while the girls that walked past the door did the best to not look at the door. Just as she experienced it before; how they ignored her. And that ignoring hurt.
It made ​​her feel a vague anger and gave courage to press the buzzer that sent a signal out . The wait seemed like an eternity before the door grabbed and pulled into the wall, to stop halfway because of the dents.
  "What the hell do you want?" The voice was sharp and annoyed when a young woman appeared and Nino blinked. Leanette was tall, but this girl was even taller, probably well over 180 cm. Short curly blond hair and sharp blue eyes that stared down Nino. Wearing only a t-shirt and underwear, did Nino quickly noticed the incredibly long legs woman had.
  "I... I'll stay in this room. Guess you are my roommate?" Answered Nino slowly while the other snorted with arms crossed. "Oh, you are a new one? Bah, I don't WANT any roommates."
The woman's attitude got to Nino that started to see red. "Really? I didn't want to get to this school at all, now I'm forced in this place!" she said angrily and pressed herself into the room while the blonde swore irritably.
The inside was just as shit as the door, messy and everything in chaos. "What a pigsty..."
  "What the hell are you, a housewife or what?" The tall woman closed the door and snorted. Fucking typical, she had become accustomed to having no roommate. Cause no one could stand her or the room. "Bet you won't last long here cupcake."
  "My name is Nino Garnet, and huh, is your name Goofy?" she replied with the same vitriolic response while the tall blonde snorted. "It's Lufia Lie. And there is your room." she said, pointing to one of two smaller rooms. That looked like a landfill sites, and probably was. The smell was horrid and the dirt made it crawl under Nino's skin.
  "That is a dump, I can't live there!"
  "Go and complain about it to Mel and the principle then." Lufia said and pointed to the door to go and then moved to sit on the floor again to play on their game. Nino put down her little bag in the room and felt stomach turned inside out .
  This would be a hell.
Was a while since I wrote anything for DEG, even if this was almost done with just some grammar to fix in it. Felt a little burst of inspiration for DEG again, so here it is, the second part of chapter 2! :dummy: Following Nino and her struggles after being forced into the school. c:

More will surely come, as things now revolve much around Chardis Realm, Degeneration and Ghostball, but also a tidy-bits around DiggerZ and upcoming Viking project thing. :'D

Hope its an interesting reading! :dummy:

Degeneration (C) :iconlanokir:
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